Wednesday, December 8, 2010

After a long fight with my Computer.........

I am back on :0) If it wasn't for my super smart son, he is an absolute Genius with Computers. We had a major Virus, and had to buy a new Operating System to get it back up and running................I realized I am absolutely handicapped without this dumb thing !!!!! What did we do without it before.
Anyway I am back............... I opened a shop on Etsy a while back, it is going pretty good . A customer from Green Bay Wisconsin, asked me if I could knit her 11 pair of socks with yarn she had purchased a while back, in hopes to learn to knit herself.
Then I had a customer call me yesterday afternoon, wanting 10 pair of Fingerless Gloves............needles to say , I AM BUSY.
Here is a pair of " Nutkins" for my Customer in Green Bay, made from Crazy Monkey Creations Panda Toes


  1. Hallo Karin,

    das ist doch super, dass deine Socken so gut ankommen. Jetzt brauchst du nur noch 2-6 Hände mehr, dann ist das alles zu schaffen.

    Ganz liebe Grüße nach amerika

  2. Hallo Andrea
    Ja, ich finde es auch super !!! Wuenschte so waere es jeden Monat :0)
    Viele liebe Gruesse in die geliebte sehr vermisste Heimat
